Living Our Stories in Real Time

Stories are passed on through the generations providing an encounter that invites participation in the continuation of the heart behind the tale. Stories entertain, advise, inspire, and impact their listeners. A narrative with a hero and a villain, a plot that weaves with twists and turns, and a spectacular ending easily draws us in as we imagine ourselves within the pages of the story. They have an uncanny way of moving us from the emotionally removed head space to the passionately engaged heart center which impacts us in profound ways.

Have we ever considered that our lives are a story being created in real time with the ending still on the distant horizon? Our daily life story has the power to engage others and impact our circle of influence. We can choose to be purposeful in how we approach the narrative we will write. Yes, some of our tales will be spun well outside our control and the details will be dictated by circumstances, natural laws, people, and even unseen forces in the heavenly realms. However, before we throw up our hands and leave our stories up to chance, may we shift our thinking and doing to what is within the parameters of our storyline. Primarily, how we choose to show up!

As we contemplate what our storyline will be as we live into 2025, may we consider the following for ourselves:

·        What are my non-negotiables in living out my story in real time?

·        When I arrive at the end of 2025, what do I want others to say about my character and how I showed up in their lives?

·        What are my needs, values, strengths, giftedness, and passions that I want to align with my actions, projects, and formations for 2025?

In other words, there is clarity that can be illuminated as we work backwards. We pre-decide how we would like to arrive at the end of the year (preferably prioritizing what we have control over), and we determine how to live in real time to make that future story unfold.

We will show up to write our stories and allow the Master Storyteller to weave His purpose and redemption through our abilities, strengths, and unique compositions! We begin by being present to who we each are and who created us, and then we live out our stories in real time!

Shagae Jones
Merry Christmas!

May we Press Pause and take time to celebrate and honor the Messiah who came to rescue us---to speak directly into our messes a Message of hope and redemption. May we embrace this Gift that continues to give throughout our years here on earth. May we praise our Messiah for He is our:

Refuge, Restorer, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Savior

Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Consistent Counselor, Grace Giver

Holy One, Emmanuel, King of Kings, Everlasting Father

Hope, Comfort, Song, Joy, Purpose

Protector, Stronghold, Guide, Provider, Anchor, Confidante

Yahweh, Adonai, El Shaddai, Elohim

Chain Breaker, Way Maker, Story Weaver, Bridge Builder

Life Bestower, Soul Awakener, Promise Keeper, Living Water

Dwelling Place, Miracle Worker, Light Bearer, Stone Roller, Change Catalyst

Answer, Portion, Delight, Freedom, Advocate

He destroys the lies of the enemy and chases after our souls. He is our Source of strength and the Calm in the storm. He is our Shepherd, tending and caring for us. He is Sunset and Sunrise. Ultimately, our Messiah is EVERYTHING we need! Therefore, let us celebrate with gladness His gifts to us! Let us also anticipate how He will continue to work in and through us in the days ahead.


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

(excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)


Shagae Jones
The Gift Everlasting is More Than Enough

What if this season we chose to spend our spare moments in knowing Him who truly is The Gift that continually blesses? Ann Voskamp says, “Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more, something other.” And it’s true, we do! But what if we didn’t? What if we chose to let the desire for more reside in more of Him?

The enemy of our soul preys on our desire for more. In fact, he actually feeds it, leading us to believe that our Creator is withholding the best from us. It’s an ancient lie that began in the garden of Eden. The deceiver convinces Eve that her God, her friend and companion, was holding out on Adam and her. In a sense, he whispered in her ear, “There is more.” And there was more, but not what they had expected. There was more sin, heartache, deception, and shame than they could imagine. Oh, what if they had trusted that their ongoing, blossoming relationship with their Creator was the only “more” they needed?

This season may we not be taken in by the deceiver and the venomous untruths he rains upon us. Instead, may we drink from the Word of our Heavenly Father and His Presence. May we partake of His Goodness and Mercy and anticipate with gratefulness the eternal truth that He will prove to be “More than Enough”!


So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.
James 1:16-18 (NLT)

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones
Clinging to Gratitude

As we find ourselves with Thanksgiving quickly approaching and the onset of the Christmas season, may we cling to the practice of gratitude. This can present itself in many forms, but let’s continue our focus on singing, praising, and giving thanks! Let’s join together and challenge ourselves to do each of these through the rest of the year.

SING---there is something mystical, spiritual that happens when we belt out at the top of our lungs a song that tugs at our heartstrings because it resonates deep within. Sing my friends!

PRAISE---this shifts our mindset off ourselves and honors our Creator and Savior! For not one of us is here by accident! Praise our LORD for all His characteristics and Who He is. If you are unsure where to start, look around at His creation and begin there.

GIVE THANKS---find ways to give thanks every single day. Count them throughout your day and even write them down. The seemingly small things add up into a giant basket full of gifts to each of us and the world around us.

Doing these three things shifts our minds away from negative spiraling, destructive thoughts, and instead, towards a life-giving outlook. We can also be confident that practicing these three simple acts allow our Creator to encourage our souls. For those moments, we are fixed upon God, and everything else pales. Therefore, let’s sing with all our might, lift words of praise to the Almighty all day, and continue gratefulness as a habitual discipline. Then await the blessings we will receive.


I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.

Psalm 34:1-3 (NLT)

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones
Surrender Gives Life

These colorful, vibrant leaves are the calling card for autumn. They are a masterpiece of beauty as they dazzle us with their miraculous hues and mesmerize us with their ability to change so drastically and brilliantly! They give us joy in the simple act of beholding their loveliness! And then they break away one by one from the branches that once held them so securely. However, even in their given nature, there is life---there is abundance for the future!

The Great Designer of all life has constructed a process of continued life, even in the falling of leaves. Being unable to sustain the brutal conditions of winter, they lazily float to the ground. Instinctively, the leaves release themselves, knowing the act will lead to the survival of the tree. For it cannot maintain its leaves without its very growth being stifled.

What a profound and significant analogy to our own lives. There are behaviors, mindsets, circumstances, and people that we need to release because they are stunting our growth. The next season is precarious without the act of surrender to that which seeks to hang on, draining us of what we need in order to become mature and complete. Letting these things go is a necessary act of protection---allowing us to shift our focus, energy, and resources during this transitional period.

Dying to self in order to preserve the Divine image of our Savior within us actually gives new life. We are no longer just surviving by tenaciously clinging to that which will eventually be our demise. One by one we free ourselves from those things that prevent fulfillment. We let go, feeling freed and liberated for a fresh start. Surrender is the beginning of new life!


“But forget all that---it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT)

(Excerpt from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones
Living with Perspective

Life is jam packed with questions of why, where, when, and how long. However, answers to life’s difficulties and heartache rarely arrive neatly packaged. Instead, they tend to meander alongside our path, intersecting at just the right time and with just the right amount of information that we are prepared to digest. There is a mystery to this life that cannot be adequately explained, and it involves a lifetime journey of discovery. Life is meant to be experienced and radically lived; there are no perfect formulas to circumvent hardships. No matter how well we plan, problems will always present themselves; the unexpected will occur; sickness and heartache will be our companions. The key is what perspective we will institute, no matter the circumstance.

When my children were born, I quickly deduced that there was no user manual. And what worked with one did not effectively work with the other. They literally exploded out of both ends of their body and kept me up in the middle of the night for unexplainable reasons. But oh, the mystery of the joy that flooded my being when they smiled and cooed at me. There was neither method nor blueprint to parenting; no perfect way forward was available. Instead, in its place, was a desire to ask questions, pursue relationships, and a willingness to travel the winding road riddled with ups and downs, detours, graveled paths, and harrowing bridges with my two little ones. And I was richer for the adventure.

You see, formulas and easy answers don’t always satisfy because they can be deceptive, promising us easy fixes, shortcuts, and pat answers that don’t exist in our daily narratives. Life’s questions are often resolved in the heat of the battle, in the daily writing of our story through trial and error, and in our determination to not quit but persevere. And guess what? We won’t always find our purpose or passion in a formula either. Proper perspective recognizes that detours, meanderings, and upward climbs are in a very real way the solution as they are the tools employed to build growth, depth, and faith! Trust and dependence on our Guide, our LORD, becomes necessary and eventually becomes second nature. For in the messiness, the less than perfect, the unknown, we may discover beauty, fulfillment, and abundance.


Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

James 1:2-4 (NLT)

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)


Shagae Jones
Margin - Less is More

The irony is discovered when creating margin in our life actually produces rest, peace, and abundance. It’s one of life’s oxymorons that our Creator incorporated into our existence. Our tendency is to push ourselves past our limits, to overextend ourselves. And yet, we are somehow surprised that we are still lacking. In our rush to succeed and exceed others’ expectations, we have found that we are losing a part of our authentic self. We become disconnected not only with ourselves but with others also. Anger and resentment come to the surface more often. Anxiety rises, even though we do our best to deny its existence. Life slowly loses its meaning and purpose. We begin to ask ourselves if this is all there is.

The great paradox emerges as we practice the art of margin. We are astounded to discover that more is less, that rest replenishes, that silence provides, and that margin is transformational. This irony proclaims that creating margin produces purpose, focus, peace, and abundance. Our Creator has divinely designed this powerful principle into our existence!

Let’s learn together how to seek solitude, stillness, and silence. Let’s embrace the practice of spiritual rhythms like Sabbath, simplicity, and soul retreats. We can carve out daily time to discover beauty, express gratitude, and recognize the hand of the Divine. We can confess, reflect, and regroup. By training ourselves in these disciplines, our souls will be reignited with vision, margin, and abundance. Surprisingly, we bump into a tomorrow overflowing with possibilities and more than enough!


“If you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give it up for me, you will surely find it.”

Matthew 10:39 (CEV)
(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones

Freedom. Independence, autonomy, liberation, release, space, flexibility, spontaneity, and openness are some of the words associated with the spirit of freedom. Reading over those words can provide insight to the significance of the powerful word, FREEDOM!

The words that stand in direct opposition to freedom might be even more informative as we explore the profound effect of freedom. For captivity, bondage, restriction, confinement, and slavery all stand opposed to the reality of freedom. They conjure up negative emotions and even more devastating destruction in our lives.

An innate desire to be free resonates deep within each of us. This rich and powerful longing has been the genesis of nations, the catalyst to breaking the cycle of abuse, and the motivation of those who cease the use of harmful substances or habits. Even more pronounced, may be our built-in urge to be freely true to who we were created to be without the constraints of social, cultural, and familial dictates. The word is conveyed regularly in our country and loosely enough at times that we may have conveniently forgotten a few concepts about this influential word.

Ironically, freedom does not come freely! Freedom comes at a cost whether the price is life, sweat, or external/internal battles. Breaking free from addictions, vices, or unhealthy patterns, although reap an outcome much desired, will cost the individual something. There will be a death of sorts to what was, and death never comes easily. The old life tenaciously clings to what was. But if you survey those who have become truly free, they will adamantly proclaim that the death was worth it.

Likewise, our freedom in Jesus Christ came at an exorbitant cost---Him enduring the agony and suffering of the cross. But He counted it joy for He was confident of the outcome for those who chose to receive His gift. For freedom in Christ Jesus brings new life in abundance!


“So if the Son of Man sets you free, you will really be free.”

John 8:36 (NIRV)

 (Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)



Shagae Jones
The Pursuit of Authenticity

We like to present our lives as neatly packaged, curated events portraying to others that we are put together and well. This box living, which is identifiable by being clearly defined and controllable, can only be advertised on social media platforms or in our cliche answers to the people we encounter daily. However, we all know deep down this isn’t the reality of our existence.

No matter how much we attempt to adorn the outside with a presentable image, the inside is jam packed with the scraps of our brokenness, failures, doubts, and sins. We can’t bring ourselves to share the ugliness of ourselves because then others would discover how very broken we are---the financial debt, failing marriage, abusive relationship, wayward children, addictions, depression and anxiety to name a few. Instead of exposing those pieces of our story, we continue the charade, stuffing the truth out of sight.

But what if we allowed ourselves to be truly seen, and we exposed those things that exist in the darkness? We could accomplish two essential truths to ourselves and others. First, our lives could then be used to display a story of redemption, one where the darkness is brought into the light. Our life would become a testimony of what God Almighty can do with one who is willing to allow the light to expose the destructive darkness within. We’d become a beacon of light stating, “Yes, I am a mess and broken, but God…” In addition, we would be free from the constant need to appease, hide, and reframe ourselves. We could authentically live into the true self we were created to be.

In our culture there is a hunger for authenticity. There is a thirst for people who are genuine, true to themselves (the good, bad, and ugly portions of themselves). Honesty breeds honesty, vulnerable moments procreate vulnerability in others; being genuine draws others to us. Therefore, seek authenticity through the guidance of the Light of the world who is waiting for the go ahead to turn our darkness into light!


For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.

Ephesians 5:8-10

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones
Rooted in His Big Idea

Doesn’t shame impede our growth and prevent us from receiving God’s grace and compassion that He freely offers? We treat ourselves so harshly and wonder why we can’t experience God’s love. We have knowledge of it and intellectually agree that His love is unparalleled when it comes to His sacrificial action on behalf of humanity. But personally, acceptance of it as a reality in our own lives is often foreign.

The key that will unlock the riches of His loving kindness is to choose to become rooted in it. May we treat ourselves as our Savior does. May we forgive with great compassion, believe we were created for a purpose and with significance, and speak tenderly to our wounded self.

He’s waiting for us to grasp hold of His BIG idea---He loves us with a passion we cannot fully understand and yet, He’s willing to daily relate to us so that we may marinate in Him, allowing Him to seep into our pores. As the aroma permeates and extends to the air around us, we allow the proclamation that we are His to take root! We commit to replace the negative, destroying self-talk with the truth of what our Heavenly Father says about us.

Our Abba is often more generous towards us than we are to ourselves. Recently, I was overwhelmed with the need to be productive and active for Him. And if I was honest, it was also to matter to those around me. My dear Abba whispered that I was to celebrate my rootedness in Him alone---no striving, no working myself into a frenzy, instead He invited me by saying, “Let’s Sabbath together”. And as I took that breath of release, there was peace, joy, and freedom that flooded my soul.

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the riches of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.

Psalm 63:3-8

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones) 

Shagae Jones