

Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose

A year long journey seeking intentionality.
Have you desired to become more intentional in your daily living? Do you long for more purpose in your day-to-day habits and patterns? How will you arrive at the end of the year exhibiting growth, discovery, and new awareness? Daily Dose of Intention is a tool to assist you in this endeavor.
Each month, you are invited to focus upon a specific word of intention. Each daily thought will give insight and direction in implementing the power of the word throughout your day. Daily repetition of the word will provide a monthly focal point. By the end of the year, the adventure to explore 12 words with intention will have been provided.
Find a cozy nook each day and enjoy a Daily Dose of Intention.


Living in the desert - Free

It seems I’ve been living in the desert , a dry and arid land, for far too long. Every once in a while in God’s mercy, it rains. The rainbow of hope shines brightly, and proper perspective is once again restored. Too quickly it vanishes, and I wonder if it was all just a mirage. The rain barely penetrates my soul before it’s consumed, every last drop, and the yearning for more begins. I need a downpour of rain; one that invades every pore of my soul.

Boundaries - free

Boundary is a common buzzword not only in our personal lives but also in our professional lives. Everyone claims the necessity of them but so few are able to maintain them within daily living. The principle appears straightforward and simple when expressed on paper, but is complicated once introduced to reality. The question becomes “How do we navigate this quandary of boundaries --- effectively transferring from a concept into practical and meaningful daily practice?”

Seeking gratefulness - free

Create a posture of gratefulness this holiday season with my FREE Gratefulness guide! Download the guide below.


Christmas at a glance - free

My gift to you is Christmas at a Glance – twelve days of Christmas thoughts – to aid in focusing your minds and hearts on what truly matters. Take the challenge to lean into Him; make time for the Gift Everlasting!

Seasons of fasting & indulging - free

In conversations about the discipline of fasting, the premise that fasting should only take place if led by the Spirit to do so is recognized. However, as so often happens, my mind continues to ruminate with this conviction of fasting, going without for a greater purpose to be reached. When a concept begins to marinate within my soul, I know I must put pen to paper. So consider these ramblings a launching pad into this deep, sometimes controversial subject. May this guide be a launching pad as we soar to new heights in our practice of this discipline which is finding wings in our society again.

Basic Stepping Stones - Leader Guide & Participant Guide

You hold in your hands a nine month Small Group/Sunday School curriculum that can bring seekers into a relationship with Christ, equip new believers with the Word, and awaken the regular church attendees who have forgotten what it is all about! This comprehensive discipleship course is interactive allowing for discussion and questions in a non-judgmental setting. You will want to put on your seatbelts as you see a growing hunger to know God’s Word and lives changed forever by being in a relationship with the Savior!