Margin - Less is More
The irony is discovered when creating margin in our life actually produces rest, peace, and abundance. It’s one of life’s oxymorons that our Creator incorporated into our existence. Our tendency is to push ourselves past our limits, to overextend ourselves. And yet, we are somehow surprised that we are still lacking. In our rush to succeed and exceed others’ expectations, we have found that we are losing a part of our authentic self. We become disconnected not only with ourselves but with others also. Anger and resentment come to the surface more often. Anxiety rises, even though we do our best to deny its existence. Life slowly loses its meaning and purpose. We begin to ask ourselves if this is all there is.
The great paradox emerges as we practice the art of margin. We are astounded to discover that more is less, that rest replenishes, that silence provides, and that margin is transformational. This irony proclaims that creating margin produces purpose, focus, peace, and abundance. Our Creator has divinely designed this powerful principle into our existence!
Let’s learn together how to seek solitude, stillness, and silence. Let’s embrace the practice of spiritual rhythms like Sabbath, simplicity, and soul retreats. We can carve out daily time to discover beauty, express gratitude, and recognize the hand of the Divine. We can confess, reflect, and regroup. By training ourselves in these disciplines, our souls will be reignited with vision, margin, and abundance. Surprisingly, we bump into a tomorrow overflowing with possibilities and more than enough!
“If you try to save your life, you will lose it. But if you give it up for me, you will surely find it.”
Matthew 10:39 (CEV)
(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)