Living Our Stories in Real Time
Stories are passed on through the generations providing an encounter that invites participation in the continuation of the heart behind the tale. Stories entertain, advise, inspire, and impact their listeners. A narrative with a hero and a villain, a plot that weaves with twists and turns, and a spectacular ending easily draws us in as we imagine ourselves within the pages of the story. They have an uncanny way of moving us from the emotionally removed head space to the passionately engaged heart center which impacts us in profound ways.
Have we ever considered that our lives are a story being created in real time with the ending still on the distant horizon? Our daily life story has the power to engage others and impact our circle of influence. We can choose to be purposeful in how we approach the narrative we will write. Yes, some of our tales will be spun well outside our control and the details will be dictated by circumstances, natural laws, people, and even unseen forces in the heavenly realms. However, before we throw up our hands and leave our stories up to chance, may we shift our thinking and doing to what is within the parameters of our storyline. Primarily, how we choose to show up!
As we contemplate what our storyline will be as we live into 2025, may we consider the following for ourselves:
· What are my non-negotiables in living out my story in real time?
· When I arrive at the end of 2025, what do I want others to say about my character and how I showed up in their lives?
· What are my needs, values, strengths, giftedness, and passions that I want to align with my actions, projects, and formations for 2025?
In other words, there is clarity that can be illuminated as we work backwards. We pre-decide how we would like to arrive at the end of the year (preferably prioritizing what we have control over), and we determine how to live in real time to make that future story unfold.
We will show up to write our stories and allow the Master Storyteller to weave His purpose and redemption through our abilities, strengths, and unique compositions! We begin by being present to who we each are and who created us, and then we live out our stories in real time!