Intentional Transformation

Let’s return to a concept previously discussed --- the philosophy that each of us has spent enormous amounts of time and energy accumulating layers of protection around our true self – the one our Creator designed. These often were beneficial and worked to a degree as a child, however, we are no longer children. These layers tend to self-sabotage forward momentum for each of us. We are struck by the stark reality that we need to spend the rest of our days peeling away these coverings, one by one, to once again reveal who we were created to be --- our one authentic self.

Insulation from the hurt of existing has been one layer adorned to protect me over the years. At one point, I’m sure it was able to do just that, at least to a degree. But life has a way of calling our bluff, and hence, the realization that we are not well as much as we attempt to convince the world we are. In my life, this protective covering took many forms --- stuffing emotions, numbing hurt, setting emotion to the side, and holding others at arm’s length. In this space, life could continue to function… until it didn’t.

Life began to affect me! And as a nine on the Enneagram, this is something we fear and attempt at all costs to avoid. I rebelled by intensifying my before mentioned coping mechanisms, but they began to backfire --- causing more heartache and “being affected”. Peeling away the layers that have become comfortable and familiar has been a humbling experience, but also full of hope, liberation, and peace!

Transformation takes time, intentionality, willingness to “Metamorph”, and energy! It’s essential --- a shedding of the old and an entering to the new reality. Look for a moment at a snake shedding their skin… Do you know they can shed their skin 4-12 times a year (according to Iowa DNR)? And do you know why? Because their skin does not grow with them --- it would inhibit growth without the shedding! Also, the skin may have picked up harmful parasites that need to be discarded. Again according to Iowa DNR, this can take days to a couple weeks! In other words, transformation is not a quick process. Read those five sentences again. Do you see the rich parallel for your own life? We need to continuously shed that which is preventing growth and the habits that seek to destroy.

If you practice Lent, may you utilize the season of March 2nd – April 14th as a time for transformation (you can utilize my e-book as a tool for assistance in this endeavor). If you do not practice Lent, may you carve out space in the near future to address the areas in your life that need transformation? What have you been clinging to that no longer fits and is full of harmful ramifications? Strip yourself of these, but don’t worry! You won’t be naked for long because our Abba has a way of putting on the new stuff that gives life! To me it’s the principle of fasting and indulging --- taking off or doing without in order to put on in abundance that which is life-giving!

Shagae Jones