The Pursuit of Authenticity

We like to present our lives as neatly packaged, curated events portraying to others that we are put together and well. This box living, which is identifiable by being clearly defined and controllable, can only be advertised on social media platforms or in our cliche answers to the people we encounter daily. However, we all know deep down this isn’t the reality of our existence.

No matter how much we attempt to adorn the outside with a presentable image, the inside is jam packed with the scraps of our brokenness, failures, doubts, and sins. We can’t bring ourselves to share the ugliness of ourselves because then others would discover how very broken we are---the financial debt, failing marriage, abusive relationship, wayward children, addictions, depression and anxiety to name a few. Instead of exposing those pieces of our story, we continue the charade, stuffing the truth out of sight.

But what if we allowed ourselves to be truly seen, and we exposed those things that exist in the darkness? We could accomplish two essential truths to ourselves and others. First, our lives could then be used to display a story of redemption, one where the darkness is brought into the light. Our life would become a testimony of what God Almighty can do with one who is willing to allow the light to expose the destructive darkness within. We’d become a beacon of light stating, “Yes, I am a mess and broken, but God…” In addition, we would be free from the constant need to appease, hide, and reframe ourselves. We could authentically live into the true self we were created to be.

In our culture there is a hunger for authenticity. There is a thirst for people who are genuine, true to themselves (the good, bad, and ugly portions of themselves). Honesty breeds honesty, vulnerable moments procreate vulnerability in others; being genuine draws others to us. Therefore, seek authenticity through the guidance of the Light of the world who is waiting for the go ahead to turn our darkness into light!


For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.

Ephesians 5:8-10

(Excerpt taken from Daily Dose of Intention: 365 Days of Purpose by Shagae Jones)

Shagae Jones