
Emmanuel (or Immanuel in the Hebrew) is God with us! God with us through all of life’s ups and downs. When we feel abandoned and all alone, may we remember God is with us. When life doesn’t follow our expected route, God is with us. When tragedy and sorrow upend our life, God is with us! God never leaves us nor forsakes us!

The good news of advent is that the Messiah has come. He has the power and initiative to set us free from what holds us in bondage. He has the creativity and power to help us become “unstuck” from our ruts. He breathes healing, hope, and new life into our broken lives.

He is Emmanuel --- God with us!

E --- Everlasting Father

M --- Maker of all Creation

M --- Messiah

A --- Always Present and Faithful

N --- Nudges our Hearts

U --- Unifier

E --- Eternal

L --- Loving Kindness and Compassion

Create space this season to sit in the presence of the sacred, allowing your heart to be bathed by Emmanuel --- God with us!

Shagae Jones