The Power of Mindset

Philosophers, theologians, neuroscientists share a common belief that the mind is powerful – having the ability to destroy or build up. The old adage “As a man thinks, so he is” still holds true in modern day. We each have the greatest tool at our disposal and yet choose not to utilize its power to unleash possibilities but instead to allow it to form us in fear, doubt, and insecurities.

Science and God’s Word collide as one, speaking truth into this proverb. Neuroscientists are finding the brain is pliable --- able to be shaped and formed into new patterns by what the mind fixates on. Dr. Leaf states in “Switch on Your Brain” the following, “Neuroplasticity by definition means the brain is malleable and adaptable, changing moment by moment of every day… beginning to see the brain as having renewable characteristics…” and “The fact that the brain is plastic and can actually be changed by the mind gives tangible hope to everyone, no matter what the circumstance.”  God’s Word has said this for ages in Scripture, “Don’t conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind,” and “Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.”

God designed the mind to be transforming --- to be a renewing force of balance, peace, wisdom and strength. However, in our fallen world, the mind also has the ability to drown us in self-destroying patterns of thinking. Quite honestly, these are the thoughts that seem the most natural. They produce more toxic mindsets as rapidly as weeds take hold of a garden, overpowering the beauty and productivity of the other plants. Conversely, this toxicity envelops our mind so thoroughly that we have to consciously choose to think something contrary to the negative pathways.

We can choose to change our mindset --- it is our choice. We will need to start pulling weeds in the garden of our mind. One practical way we can do this is by being grateful. I realize this may not be the magic bullet you were longing for, and you might be tempted to stop reading.

But consider…

“What you are not changing, you are choosing.”

--- Dr. Caroline Leaf

Being grateful, choosing thanksgiving, focusing on what is “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” truly has the power to transform. God has hardwired our brain to be pliable to the content of our minds.

One caution --- this doesn’t change your circumstance, only your perspective. This isn’t a bunch of mumble jumble positivity --- just believe and it will happen. No, it is a strength under pressure, praise within the heartache, perspective so not to drown in the chaos, a tool to more than just
survive, but to thrive!

Download Seeking Gratefulness Guide for more ways to consider and practice thankfulness

Shagae Jones