A Grateful Heart


Have you ever seen a pond that is stagnant --- nothing coming in and nothing going out? Those are water sources that you might second guess drinking from because they are contaminated with bacteria. It’s a breeding pool for pathogens. An unappealing analogy can be drawn about our mindset. If we choose to remain in overthinking, worry, or doubt --- allowing nothing of benefit in --- nor anything related to praise out --- we will be stagnant in our action, remaining in what my daddy refers to as “stinkin thinkin”.

However, the converse is also true. Have you seen the overflow of a waterfall running off a mountain cliff into a beautiful, crystal river. And in return, the active stream emptying into a greater expanse of water? Now, that is living water --- powerful, moving, feeding --- flowing in and out. Can you see where this is leading?

Likewise, our minds can bathe in thanksgiving which never comes back void. There is a natural reciprocal response to giving thanks. Envision a grateful heart as a waterfall pouring into your soul, providing life and perspective to your mind which in turn nourishes our motivation to move, act, and live. Our Creator has designed each of us to thrive when in a state of thankfulness.

Don’t misunderstand me. This is not a declaration that your circumstances will change. Rather, an expectation that by giving thanks, your soul will be given fresh hope, joy, and motivation, nourishing your mind with proper perspective, peace, and contentment so you are able to move forward despite what is happening.

This Thanksgiving season is a perfect time to begin the art of giving thanks, finding all the many reasons to be thankful. Then anticipate the science (orchestrated by our Heavenly Father) of the unfolding of reciprocity. For giving thanks and praise never returns empty-handed!

“…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” --- I Thessalonians 5:18

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?” --- Charlie Brown

Elizabeth Caudle