Trust Like That
Years ago, I awoke with a start. As I attempted to bring my senses to the present, I heard the panic in my son’s voice as he yelled, “Mommy, mommy!” Quickly, I exited the warm embrace of my bed covers and made my way to my son’s room. He was suffering from night terrors, thankfully never remembering the terror the next morning. Gently, my hand rested on his shoulder as his body sat up, fixated on whatever horror his mind had concocted. Like a healing balm his body melted and relaxed as he felt my touch and heard my voice comfort, “It’s okay son. I’m here.” The sound of his mom’s voice and her presence miraculously replaced the fear that had overtaken his mind and body. What a sight it was to behold?! To see the fear and sheer horror replaced by complete trust followed by peaceful sleep --- all because he knew his mom was now present, and she would take care of him and fight the enemies that plagued his mind.
Childlike faith is magnificent; it trusts completely without reservation. As we age, we realize not everyone can be trusted. We can become cynical and jaded in trusting others, believing that we must seize control of our lives and be master of our ship. All this runs contrary to the gospel story that our Heavenly Father is writing in our lives. The gospel states the necessity of a Savior; life is not meant to journey alone. It brilliantly displays the act of a Messiah who dies for us and is resurrected, proving that He is a Messiah who can be trusted to take our mess and make a message! The striving, worrying and attempting to control outcomes demonstrates that our childlike faith is lacking. May we, as my son did, learn that our Abba’s got this! His presence and voice ought to be enough for us to release the insecurities, doubts and fears we grip in our hands.
If I was brutally honest, I would tell you that sometimes I don’t allow God’s presence and voice to be enough. Instead of truly letting go and listening to my Abba, I forge ahead believing I alone control my destiny or allow paralysis from fear to take hold, sidelining me from living life abundantly. My insecurities, doubts and fears have been known to overtake me, consuming my every thought and action. There appears to be no hope in sight, until by three words, “Abba, Father, Help!”, I’m ushered into His presence. His presence and words present a soothing element and rest for my weary soul, providing peace in the midst of the storm, and reinforcement for the battle ahead. Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t eliminate the circumstance --- the pain may still be present --- challenges remain real --- but now we have hope! We know that our God is present, He has promised to be our refuge. He even says “It’s okay my child; I’m here! I’m not going to leave you!” And that, my friend, changes everything!
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” --- Hebrews 13:5b